Creating an astro photograph is a complex endeavour. It is a combination of advanced computer technology, enabling extremely long exposures, and an understanding of image processing, giving a staggering view of the wonders of the night sky, mostly invisible to the naked eye!

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IC 405 Flaming Star Nebula , IC 410 Tadpoles Nebula & IC 417 Spider Nebula
March 2021

IC 443 Jelly Fish Nebula
March 2021

NGC 2174 The Monkey Head Nebula

NGC 2174 The Monkey Head Nebula
February-March 2021

NGC 281 Pacman Nebula
January 2021

Sh2-114 The Flying Dragon Nebula
November-December 2020

The Bubble Nebula, NGC 7635
November 2020

The Dubble Cluster in Perseus
November 2020

NGC 7380 The Wizard Nebula
November 2020

VdB 14 and vdB 15
September 2020

C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) or Comet NEOWISE
July 2020

IC 1848, The Soul Nebula
November 2020

NGC 7822
July 2020

Sh2-132 The Lion Nebula
November 2019

IC 1396 The Elephant’s Trunk Nebula
June 2020

IC 443, Jellyfish Nebula
March 2020

The Veil Nebula
November 2019

IC 1805 The Heart Nebula
August 2020

The Tulip Nebula
September 2019

M13 The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules
July 2019

The Flame and Horsehead Nebula in Orion
February 2019

The Cone Nebula
February-March 2019

Images from 2016 to 2018

Lynds Dark Nebula 1235
October 2018

NGC 1499 California Nebula
February 2018

M51 Whirlpool Galaxy
May 2018

IC410 Tadpoles Nebula
March 2018

M45 The Pleiades
February 2018

IC 5070 The Pelican Nebula
November 2017

NGC 6888 The Crescent Nebula
October 2017

M44 The Beehive Cluster
April 2017

IC 405 Flaming Star Nebula
February 2017

M42 Great Orion Nebula
February 2017

The Moon
May 2017

M31 Andromeda Galaxy
November 2016

NGC 7000 North America Nebula
November 2016

M33 Triangulum Galaxy
December 2016